Page 7 - Resilience Color Trends 2021
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That return to our home base was unique for everyone—some
families had multiple generations at home together. Some people
were sheltering solo. But we all shared a renewed appreciation for “THERE IS NOTHING IN THE
the place and the people we call home. We began to clean out spare WORLD SO IRRESISTIBLY
bedrooms to create home offices. With our work team now able to
see our private spaces, we spruced up with paint, and curated our CONTAGIOUS AS LAUGHTER
bookshelves. RoomRater became a hugely popular Twitter account
where artists critiqued the background and Zoom views of, well, AND GOOD HUMOR.”―
everyone. People invested in ring lights and green screens, and we all
learned the phrase: —CHARLES DICKENS
In these unsteady days, we craved pets. We struggled to master the
Humor and laughter. We realized mute button, which never seems On stressful days, we craved
that humor that is so necessary to be in the right position. Whether security and comfort. With
in challenging times. Laughter inappropriately broadcasting a gyms, spas, and hair salons
came with memes, gifs, song private conversation or silencing a closed, the new buzzword was
parodies, or video call mistakes, well-articulated counter argument, home self-care. According to
spontaneous barks, or impromptu we all shared a laugh over the Vogue, women turned to the
kitten sightings as our daily awkward transition to on-line Instagram account Grombre to
routines coexisted with family and collaboration. reveal and revel in the freedom
to grow out their natural hair.
The site contains photos of
real wo men embracing and
reclaiming the power of silver.
A December 2020 survey from HY
men’s grooming leader Wahl, ELEGANT LIGHT BRONZE
reported that 40% of men 18- WITH HINTS OF ROSE
64 have grown facial hair since GOLD USING BLACK/
the pandemic began. On Social RED 315WRS
Media people debated the
propriety of wearing sweats all HUMOR
day; we slowly embraced our
new casual dress codes. We MUTED TEAL WITH
bought nap dresses and dressy SLIGHT SPARKLE USING
pajamas. We learned how to BRIGHT SILVER
embrace the habits of Hygge.